JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Project Policies

1 Overview

In this course:

2 Collaboration

Teams may discsuss the project with each other.

3 Third-Party Libraries/Code

You must design and implement all of the code used in the product. In other words, you may not use any third-party libraries. You may use third-party data and/or icons, provided that you do not infringe on any copyrights (or copylefts).

4 Intra-Team Communications

For the most part, you may communicate with other members of your team in any way you like. However, whenever possible, you should keep a written record of the communications since you may be asked to justify both your decisions and your assessments of team members.

For some parts of the project, you may be required to communicate in particular ways (e.g., using email, an issue tracking tool, etc...).

5 Due Dates

Deliverables may not be submitted for a grade after the due date. You may submit them for feedback but, deliverables submitted after the due date will receive a grade of 0.

6 Submission

You will be given specific submission instructions for different parts of the project.

7 Team Evaluation

At the end of the project, you must a Team Evaluation Form (that will be made available to you).

8 Presentations

Teams may be required to present their progress in class. Teams must be prepared to present the final product on the "due date".

9 Grading

You will be graded individually on your contribution to both the design and implementation of the product. Your grade will be based on both official submissions (including code "commits"), your evaluation of youself, and your teammates evaluations of you.

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